The SAS (Scandinavian Airlines System) are the largest airline company oversættelse - The SAS (Scandinavian Airlines System) are the largest airline company Dansk Sådan siger

The SAS (Scandinavian Airlines Syst

The SAS (Scandinavian Airlines System) are the largest airline company in Scandinavian. In recent years, the great company has lost some of its primary customers. This is because of the decreasing segment of Scandinavian business people. It leaves the SAS in a situation where they have to make some adjustments to the concept. The analysis of the two commercials shows us that they have turned to a much broader target group than usual. The SAS are still trying to hold on to the business concept, but at the same time they are slightly changing into being a cheaper airline company. This has put them in a bad situation right in the middle of the industry without really having a solid target group.
I have in the project accounted for their promotional strategy, analyzed two of the popular television commercials and considered their actual target groups.
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Resultater (Dansk) 1: [Kopi]
The SAS (Scandinavian Airlines System) are the largest airline company in Scandinavian. In recent years, the great company has lost some of its primary customers. This is because of the decreasing segment of Scandinavian business people. It leaves the SAS in a situation where they have to make some adjustments to the concept. The analysis of the two commercials shows us that they have turned to a much broader target group than usual. The SAS are still trying to hold on to the business concept, but at the same time they are slightly changing into being a cheaper airline company. This has put them in a bad situation right in the middle of the industry without really having a solid target group.I have in the project accounted for their promotional strategy, analyzed two of the popular television commercials and considered their actual target groups.
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Resultater (Dansk) 2:[Kopi]
SAS (Scandinavian Airlines System) er det største flyselskab i Skandinavien. I de seneste år har den store selskabet mistede nogle af sine primære kunder. Dette er på grund af den faldende segment af skandinaviske forretningsfolk. Det efterlader SAS i en situation, hvor de er nødt til at foretage nogle justeringer af konceptet. Analysen af de to reklamer viser os, at de har henvendt sig til en langt bredere målgruppe end normalt. SAS forsøger stadig at holde fast i forretningskoncept, men på samme tid, de er let at skifte til at være en billigere flyselskab. Dette har sat dem i en dårlig situation lige midt i branchen uden egentlig at have en gruppe fast mål.
Jeg har i projektet udgjorde deres salgsfremmende strategi, analyseret to af de populære tv-reklamer, og fandt deres faktiske målgrupper.
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Resultater (Dansk) 3:[Kopi]
sas (scandinavian airlines system) er den største luftfartsselskab i skandinavien.i de seneste år, den store virksomhed har mistet noget af sin primære kunder.det er på grund af den aftagende segment af skandinaviske forretningsfolk.det efterlader sas i en situation, hvor de skal foretage nogle justeringer, at begrebet.analysen af de to tv - reklamer, viser os, at de har forvandlet til en meget bredere målgruppe end forsøger stadig at holde fast i det forretningskoncept, men samtidig er de en smule ved at skifte til en billigere luftfartsselskab.dette har bragt dem i en dårlig situation midt i industrien, uden at der virkelig er en solid målgruppe. "jeg har i projektet tegnede sig for deres markedsføring, analyseres to i den populære tv - reklamer og for deres faktiske målgrupper.
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