Resultater (
Dansk) 2:
Forfalskning AF LEGO s products has been nemmere. KonCernen has in many years kæmpet against kopivarer, mænd through years has de been nødt the ved at give op, Kinesiske because it kopimarked is so great. Ebay and AliExpress which is til worldwide e-handelssteder og auktionshuse sales person Dagligt forfalskede LEGO products via their website. This has svækket LEGO s Omsætning, da many has sparet Penge aba på Kobe Falske products in de til overnævnte hjemmesider. LEGO Bruger already sidde own logo as well as emballage when de sales person their products, i guarantee customers i it is de Rigtige products and not kopivarer . Although LEGO has patent in their products as well as varemærkebeskyttelse in their logo and Varemærke, is the still Nemt for Ebay og AliExpress på sælge kopivarer because that in de Kinesiske Markeder is completely other rules for kopivarer. For to ensure their customers about på their products are de originale and not forfalsket products, can LEGO benytte SIG af e-mærket, which not only Gør Det Sikkert på håndtaget in their E-Handel but also en Garanti i it is de originale VARENR customers Modtager, because the Netop skaber en tryghed hos Kunden. LEGO must continue to opretholde og vedligeholde their patent in their products and Hvem der has rettighederne the på producere their products. When you should investing in Legos products is the most oplagte Helt Sikkert på kobe products via LEGO s own e-handel, da it is the sikreste to do and it is hendes mand can forsikre SIG about på mennesket not receive kopivarer. If mand choose på Kobe LEGOs products via other companies på nettet, can mand selv undersøge på nettet about it is en troværdig hjemmeside and read anmeldelser about folkemusik has received de Rigtige goods as well as originale LEGO products. Man can even as kunde undersøge om product is a originale when Modtager hule, this can se the material which is Brugt and on the way which product is dk in. If mand Stiller da originale VARENR op mod en forfalsket, is the not very på se Hvilken der is the originale. For på LEGO can improve their markedsposition must de first and fremmest Sorge i their products not will be kopiret. Dernæst must LEGO konCernen continue their innovation of new products as well as vedligeholde Den gode quality in their products. Consumers tænker all the time i new Forbrugsmønstre and the will Givet en increased efterspørgsel, therefore is the a great advantage til LEGO to do their sortiment wider. LEGO must Altså vedligeholde their patent in their products and Hvem der has rettighederne the på producere their products, this is also with the på improve their markedsposition because de ensures SIG ved Produktion of kopivarer nedsættes mænd also because på customers forbliver Trygge when de Køber LEGO. Which kunde can mand SELV ensure SIG that produkt mand Modtager is a Original eller en kopi, as well as tjekke hjemmesider before køb af LEGO products.
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